X Dear Customers, our China warehouse /office will be off work from 15 January to 15 Febuary for Chinese Spring Festival. During this time, we will only be able to ship the UK stock items in time. We know your time is valuable, to avoid any delay, please contact our Customer Service Team before placing orders.
2018-08-01 15:28:04 By Sandy Lance E-liquid Information

Congratulations! If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’ve decided to stop smoking tobacco and switch over to vaping. In which case, welcome. We’re glad to have you. And here’s the cha....

2018-01-20 14:28:31 By Vicky Jessie Buyer's Guide

In 2018, there is a huge selection of various branded e....

2017-07-15 14:14:01 By John Bacon DIY E-liquid

First thing above everything is just have fun! Stop worrying about making the perfect e-liquid. As a new mixer you have to go through a lot of trials and errors. Mix single flavor batches un....

2017-06-10 14:10:22 By Vivian J. Vape & Health

Now more and more people choose to vape e-cigarettes instead of smoking traditional cigarettes, and with it comes a question: Is vaping bad for oral health?


2017-04-03 14:05:23 By Vivian J. E-liquid Information

Do you know about the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD)? As you may have recently seen in the news, the e-cigarette industry is now regulated in the UK and across the EU. The TPD is an updated ver....

2017-03-24 12:31:54 By Vivian J. E-liquid Information

Many beginners will be confused that there are so many kinds of different e-liquid flavours on the market, and they don’t know how to choose.

This passage is aimed ....

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