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What is E-liquid

2013-07-10 16:25:04 By Nishant blog-category E-liquid Information

What is E-Liquid?

E-liquid is the liquid which is heated into an aerosol in the atomizer device. The common base recipe for e-liquid is Propylene Glycol (VG), Vegetable Glycerin (VG), flavorings, and optionally Nicotine. It is what provides the nicotine solution and the flavoring to your Electronic Cigarette. It creates the vapor in which you exhale that mimics the traditional smoke from analogue cigarettes.


What different strengths does E-Liquid come in?

Our E-Liquids are offered in 5 different strengths.
None – 0mg Nicotine 
Extra Light – 6mg Nicotine
Light – 11mg Nicotine
Regular – 18mg Nicotine
High – 24mg Nicotine

What is PG or Propylene Glycol?

Propylene Glycol is used as a flavoring carrier in food products, as an ingredient in food coloring and also used as an additive in various medicines. A combined base of PG/VG blend is much more smooth than 100% PG base. Propylene Glycol is non toxic.

What is VG or Vegetable Glycerin?

Vegatable Glycerin is a sweet, thick, vegetable based liquid. 100% VG base is very thick and hard to smoke effectively. A combined PG/VG blend is recommended. Vegatable Glycerin is non toxic.


What’s in E-Liquid?

E-Liquid uses base ingredients to create a smooth flavor. This base can consist of PG (Propylene Glycol), VG (Vegatable Glycerin) or both. Most of our eLiquids have mixes containing 35%/65% PG/VG to 80%/20% PG/VG. PG and VG are combined with natural or artificial flavors such as vanilla or apple which creates unique and satisfying recipes.