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Great Sale in Aulola UK Wholesale E-liquid in 2018, Up to 29% Discount!

2018-08-01 15:28:04 By Sandy Lance blog-category E-liquid Information

Congratulations! If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’ve decided to stop smoking tobacco and switch over to vaping. In which case, welcome. We’re glad to have you. And here’s the chance for you to have a try!

Cheap e-liquid is all over the internet, from reputable sites selling it for £1 for 10ml, to bargain stores selling it for 89p – Yes, the UK has stores that sell bottles of 10ml e-liquid for less than a quid! But we can provide the better for you. We'll often have a short sale on the juice, and refreshed the look of our e-liquid. What’s more, we sold bigger bottles of e-liquid, with a separate Nico Shot, so customers can mix their own nicotine strength, that’s why we have this great sale in Aulola.

We want to introduce you to three kings of preferences to help you enjoy great benefit as you need. 

Up to 29% discount for the 65ml e-liquid 
1pcs free nico shot for the bigger bottles of e-liquid 
1pcs free nico shot for 2pcs 25ml bottles of e-liquid

Here’s the examples in details as the followings:

Procuct Name
Wholesale Price
JOMO 65ML E-liquid-0mg


29% Discount
Joker Juice 65ML E-liquid-0mg


4% Discount
Ifresh 25ML E-liquid-0mg


Buy 2 get 1 nico shot
Stubby Chubby 25ML E-liquid-0mg


Buy 2 get 1 nico shot
DR Juice 50ML E-liquid-0mg


Buy 1 get 1 nico shot
Area 51 80ML E-liquid-0mg


Buy 1 get 1 nico shot
SYCO 100ML E-liquid-0mg


Buy 1 get 1 nico shot