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Introduction of E-liquid Flavours

2017-03-24 12:31:54 By Vivian J. blog-category E-liquid Information

Many beginners will be confused that there are so many kinds of different e-liquid flavours on the market, and they don’t know how to choose.

This passage is aimed at introducing basic e-liquid flavours for you guys. Generally speaking, there are 3 kinds of basic e-liquid flavours, including Tobacco e-liquid, Fruit e-liquid and Herb e-liquid.

1. Tobacco e-liquid

Tobacco e-liquid mainly imitates the name-brand cigarette, such as Marlboro e-liquid, BH e-liquid, Virginia e-liquid, LB e-liquid and so on, trying to give vapers similar feeling and flavours as smoking. But it should be noted that vaping is quite different from smoking. Compared to smoking, although vaping could not bring out the same stimulation, it is healthier than smoking. (Those interested could read this passage “Stop smoking, start vaping” to know about the differences of smoking and vaping.) 

2. Fruit e-liquid

Fruit e-liquid has sweet fruity flavours, adopt the ripe fruit with sweet, fresh, and juicy taste, such as Apple, Banana, Pineapple, Watermelon, Peach, Strawberry, Blueberry, Blackcurrant and so on. If you favor the sweetness and freshness of fruit, you could consider to choose fruit e-liquid. 


3. Herb e-liquid

Herd e-liquid includes Menthol e-liquid, Vanilla e-liquid, and so on. The menthol e-liquid is popular, many beginners will have a try on this special flavour, which will bring out the coolness and freshness on the throat. There are also many different menthol e-liquids on the market, if you want to make clear the differences, read this “Which Menthol/Mint Flavor E-liquid do You Like? - Buyers Guide”.

Besides the above mentioned basic e-liquid flavours, many vapers also like the blending flavour, such as blending fruit e-liquid and herb e-liquid, strawberry ice is one of blending e-liquid, which is blended by strawberry and menthol, to give vapers the cool feeling when you feel the sweetness of strawberry.

If you are beginner on vaping e-liquid, it is advisable to choose some e-liquid in these 3 kinds basic e-liquid flavours, to find one e-liquid right for you.