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Stop Smoking, Start Vaping

2016-04-18 11:50:21 By Vivian J. blog-category Vape & Health

Many smokers hope to stop smoking, considering trying vaping, to reduce the harmless from burned smoke. You come here because you are one of those smokers, right? However, you may find it very confusing. How could vaping replace smoking successfully? And there are many different vaping devices and e-liquids - how do you know which one is the best and most suitable?

Don’t worry, this passage is aimed at leading you to the answer.

Smoking and Addiction

It’s important to remember that when smoking we smoke for the nicotine but the tar causes the diseases. You won’t be alone, almost 40% of smokers try to quit smoking every year as they seek to escape from smoking-related respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. However, once you are hooked with nicotine, it is hard for your body to quit it, and that is why you always can’t help smoking again after few days restraint.

What is Vaping? 

Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling the e-liquid vapor produced by an electric device called vaporizer or e-cigarette. ( If you do not know e-liquid, please see What is e-liquid? ) Vaping is invented by Hon Lik, a Chinese pharmacist who took inspiration from the death of his father who is killed by the cancer of smoking.

Where vaping works better than traditional nicotine replacement products is that it is similar to the act of smoking. You could hold e-cigarette in your hand, you inhale and exhale with dense vapor, just like smoking. Most importantly vaping delivers nicotine in a way that is so pleasurable, which satisfies your nicotine addiction with no harm of tar. In addition, there is no bad smell and bad breath when you vaping. It is advisable to start vaping e-liquid with your real nicotine needs and then reduce the nicotine strength by degrees until you are free of nicotine.

Is Vaping Safe?

Sadly there is lots of misinformation out there and you or someone you know probably come across some of it. Public Health England declared vaping to be at least 95% safer than smoking. Please noted that vaping is not “safe”, it’s just safer than continuing to smoke. At least there is no risk of tar, isn’t it?

Where to Buy the Best Vaping Kit and E-liquid?

Just as we said before, you have a number of options of vaping kit and e-liquid. When people say they tried vaping but it didn’t work, it mainly because they bought the poor vaping kit and the bad e-liquid, which badly piqued their interests in vaping.

This article won’t give you brands of any vaping kit or e-liquid. We suggest that you could join some vaping forums and then the members can share with you what worked well for them. We here recommend the e-cigarette-forum and planetofthevapes forum.

End Words

Just stop smoking immediately. The life is full of wonderfulness, why not have a more healthy body to enjoy it!