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Some Tips to DIY E-liquid - For New Guys

2017-07-15 14:14:01 By John Bacon blog-category DIY E-liquid

First thing above everything is just have fun! Stop worrying about making the perfect e-liquid. As a new mixer you have to go through a lot of trials and errors. Mix single flavor batches until you get what you are looking for in a flavor and work from there. If you are getting discouraged because your banana does not taste the way you think it should, don’t automatically assume its your mixing. More than likely it’s just a flavor that does not taste the way you want it to. Try a lot of brands, as many as you can. Each have their own flavor and qualities.

Give your liquid a chance. Don’t just throw a few drops on some cotton and give it toot and say “oh god this is not what I wanted” and toss it. Make 3 or 5 ml and vape it all day. Take some time to taste all the little things about it that makes it unique from other manufacturers. Make a pro and con list in your head or on paper. Think about how you can use it or make it work in a different recipe maybe but don’t discard it as unusable.

Depending on what kind of e-liquid you want, you’ll need to adjust the number of your ingredients as well as the process itself. While it will be some trial and error for you to figure out what really floats your boat, here are a few tips and tricks to help you get started on the right foot:

Always note down every single measurement and every single step you took to make your e-liquid. Make sure you don’t skip any details, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. It often happens that people make great tasting e-liquids, but can never replicate it because they don’t remember the exact ratios of the ingredients or the exact steps that they took.

★If you like bigger, thicker vapor clouds or want to enjoy sub-ohm vaping, add more VG (for instance use 80/20 VG/PG ratio). If you want a more intense throat hit or prefer stealth vaping, add more PG.

★Don’t make e-liquid in huge amounts as you could end up wasting a lot of money in case your e-liquid doesn’t taste good. Likewise, you don’t want to get stuck on vaping something that taste bad. Also, don’t go for very small amounts as using ingredients in small amounts leave you a very little margin of error and even the tiniest of variations can have a considerable impact on the overall e-liquid.

★Using too much nicotine can be toxic. Use caution when handling nicotine and make sure that it is always out of reach of children and pets.

★Remember, nicotine is almost always listed in a number of milligrams per millimeter of the liquid. It means that if you have a 20ml bottle of 18mg nicotine, it will have (20*18) 360mg of nicotine. In other words, 18mg is not the total amount of nicotine in the bottle but rather it is the amount per milliliter.

Experiment with different ingredient ratios, play around with your steeping, and most importantly have fun. And if you do end up making a great-tasting e-liquid, share the recipe as well as the liquid with your friends to help them keep from smoking.