X Dear Customers, our China warehouse /office will be off work from 15 January to 15 Febuary for Chinese Spring Festival. During this time, we will only be able to ship the UK stock items in time. We know your time is valuable, to avoid any delay, please contact our Customer Service Team before placing orders.

TPD Explanation - New Rules to E-cig in UK 2016

2017-04-03 14:05:23 By Vivian J. blog-category E-liquid Information

Do you know about the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD)? As you may have recently seen in the news, the e-cigarette industry is now regulated in the UK and across the EU. The TPD is an updated version of an EU directive, coming into effect across the entire EU area and UK from May 20th 2016. The main goal of these regulations is to promote product safety and to make consumers aware that they are purchasing products that contain nicotine. In addition to this, the regulations are in place to ensure that only people over 18+ are purchasing and using e-cigarettes and e-cigarette related products.

This new directive will change the vaping in the UK. Do you know what it means to you? Here show you the differences and changes between before and after May 20th 2016.

The TPD updated a set of laws and institutions to the e-cigarette industry. There may be less e-liquid flavours and devices available in the market as smaller companies may not be able to meet or comply with the strict regulations. And Aulola Vapour is not included.

All e-liquids and e-cig kits in Aulola Vapour comply with the TPD requirements.If you vape, you need Aulola Vapour. Aulolavapour.co.uk (United Kingdom Aulolavapour Co., Ltd.) is a professional UK business, retailing high quality e-liquids, electronic cigarette devices and accessories and offering great customer service. Established in UK,2012, headquartered in Manchester, we mainly sell in UK as well as other EU countries. We are committed to providing high quality electronic cigarettes hardwares and the best tasting flavors.

As one of the UK’s favourite suppliers of e-liquids and electronic cigarette devices and accessories, we are endeavouring to provide high quality products and excellent price, in order to fulfill the expectations of the demanding customers. We work closely with manufacturers from around the globe, designing e-cigarette kits and e-liquids to suit our customers’ different needs and lifestyles. In terms of function and reliability, we aim for the very best. Each product has been specifically designed to enhance your vaping experience.