X Dear Customers, our China warehouse /office will be off work from 15 January to 15 Febuary for Chinese Spring Festival. During this time, we will only be able to ship the UK stock items in time. We know your time is valuable, to avoid any delay, please contact our Customer Service Team before placing orders.

Q: Why haven’t I received any emails from you?
A: Please check your Spam folder or inbox. It happens that sometimes our email mismarked as spam and blocked by users’ email filter system. We suggest you to add our email address to your contact list or address book to avoid missing Email messages from us.
Q: Must I register to order from you?
A: Yes. Aulola supports guest checkout. Registering with Aulola, however, allows us to provide you with better support and the whole registering process should take no more than 2 minutes.
Q: I'm interested in business with you, but can I trust you?
A: Aulola boasts 13,890+ customers in UK. Among all our customers, 99.9%like us. So yes, Aulola is trustable. But you can always do your own research, browsing on Internet checking our happy customers' experience with us.
Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: PayPal, Barclays Bank, WESTERN UNION, Credit/Debit Card, Standard Chartered. Please select a payment method that fit for you before place an order.
Q: How do I track my orders?
A: Two ways once your goods are sent:
  • 1) Check our automatic email notification; or
  • 2) Sign in to your account and view the tracking code
Q: How soon will you ship my order after I've made my payment?
A: Fast shipping in 3-7 days.
Q: Do you ship internationally?
A: At present, we support to ship within European Union and UK.
Q: Are your shipment free tax and free custom fee?
A: Yes, we offer free tax and free custom fee shipment.
Q: Which express company you use in UK?
A: Generally we will ship by Royal Mail or DPD.
Q: How does the shipping cost?
A: In UK, the shipping cost depends on the Amount of Purchases:
Shipping Cost in the UK : £3 ( Purchase < £200, Weight in 0-1 KG )
£8 ( Purchase < £200, Weight over 1 KG )
Free Shipping ( Purchase > £200 )

In European Union countries, we offer DPD shipping, the shipping cost depends on the Weight of Goods:

DPD Shipping Cost in the European Union Weight Zone 1 (€) Zone 2 (€) Zone 3 (€) Zone 4 (€) Zone 5 (€) Zone 6 (€) Zone 7 (€)
0-10 kg 12.87 16.88 19.55 22.44 31.89 46.84 61.60
10.1-20kg 25.74 33.76 39.10 44.86 63.78 64.78 94.32
20.1-30kg 38.61 50.65 58.66 67.30 95.67 82.74 127.03
30.1-50kg 51.49 67.53 78.21 89.74 127.56 100.69 159.75
50.1-70kg 64.36 84.41 97.76 112.18 159.46 118.64 192.46
70.1-90kg 77.23 101.30 117.31 134.61 191.35 136.59 225.17
90.1-120kg 90.11 118.19 136.87 157.04 223.24 154.54 257.89
120.1-140kg 102.98 135.07 156.42 179.48 255.13 172.49 290.60
140.1-170kg 115.85 151.60 175.97 201.91 287.48 190.45 323.32
170.1-200kg 128.73 168.83 195.52 224.35 318.91 208.39 356.03

Over 200kgs, please check with: sales@aulola.co.uk

DPD delivery zones:

  • Zone 1: Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland
  • Zone 2: Austria, Denmark, France, Hungary, Slovenia
  • Zone 3: Italy, Lithuania, Slovakia, Sweden
  • Zone 4: Ireland, Latvia, Portugal
  • Zone 5: Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Romania
  • Zone 6: Norway
  • Zone 7: Switzerland
Q: Why haven't I received the order confirmation email/shipping notification message from Aulola?
A: If you placed an order as a guest instead of registering with us in the first place, you will not receive it. If you placed an order with a registered account and still didn’t receive our emails, please check your email trash box and spam folder. If still nothing, please contact our sales related to your order.
Q: Why is my order partially shipped?
A: When some of the items in your order are currently out of stock, we firstly ship the items already in stock to avoid your waiting there. Of course we will usually notify you in advance when this happens.
Q: What can I do with defective items?
A: We need pictures or video to confirm if they are truly defective. After confirmation, you can get a refund, or ask for sending them again or combining them to the next new order.
Q: I’m interested in certain products but they are not listed on Aulola. Since you are a professional supplier, can you source them for me?
A: We would love to. Show us the product images as well as the description. It may take some time.
Q: I have put an order with Aulola. Any discount for me?
A: Buy more and save more, it is the basic rule on Aulola.
Q: Can your price be lower?
A: On Aulola, the price is generally lowered with the increase of quantity. So yes, the price can be lower but we need to know your order quantity or purchase plan first.