X Dear Customers, our China warehouse /office will be off work from 15 January to 15 Febuary for Chinese Spring Festival. During this time, we will only be able to ship the UK stock items in time. We know your time is valuable, to avoid any delay, please contact our Customer Service Team before placing orders.

What is OEM/ODM?

Both the terms OEM and ODM are related to the manufacturing industry. OEM refers to Original Equipment Manufacturing, while ODM stands for Original Design Manufacturing.

Difference Between OEM and ODM

(1) OEM means Customers provide their idea, design, specifications about the products they want, and then our original factory find or manufacture the related products according to customers’ requirements and needs.

Summary: Your design, our Equipment.

(2) ODM means Customers are interested in the products of what our original factory have or design, requiring that we use or adopt customers’ brand or logo.

Summary: Our design, Your Logo.

Aulola OEM/ODM Service

  • As a major supplier of mobile accessories proudly with a full coverage of almost all brands and models, Aulola has been an important partner of some of the top factories and manufacturers in China.

    Deep seated in our own industry, we are able to work with the most suitable manufacturers to produce products with an edge not only in price but also in quality comparable to the top brands.

    Should you look for OEM/ODM service for any products related to accessories and electronics, contact us today for our solution.