X Dear Customers, our China warehouse /office will be off work from 15 January to 15 Febuary for Chinese Spring Festival. During this time, we will only be able to ship the UK stock items in time. We know your time is valuable, to avoid any delay, please contact our Customer Service Team before placing orders.


  • ? Device Information. When you visit our site, we automatically collect certain information about your device, your web browser, IP address, time zone, browser and operating system, and some of the cookies that are installed on your device. Additionally, as you browse our site, we collect information about the individual web pages or products you viewed, what search terms you typed, and information about how you interact with our site.
  • ? Order Information. When you register or place an order, we collect certain information about your name, email address, billing address, shipping address, phone number or other information.
  • ? Cookies. Like many websites, we use "Cookies" to enhance your experience and gather information about visitors in our website. More details please refer to the "Do We Use 'Cookies'?" section below.

How do We Use Your Information?

We may use the information we collect from you when you register, purchase products, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features for various purposes:

  • ? Device Information. When you visit our site, we automatically collect certain information about your device, your web browser, IP address, time zone, browser and operating system, and some of the cookies that are installed on your device. Additionally, as you browse our site, we collect information about the individual web pages or products you viewed, what search terms you typed, and information about how you interact with our site.
  • ? Order Information. When you register or place an order, we collect certain information about your name, email address, billing address, shipping address, phone number or other information.
  • ? Cookies. Like many websites, we use "Cookies" to enhance your experience and gather information about visitors in our website. More details please refer to the "Do We Use 'Cookies'?" section below.

How do We Store and Protect Your Information?

We have a Information Storage Security System to ensure your personal information is well protected. Your personal information is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have access rights. However it still remains important that you never share your username and password with any other persons.

Do We Use "Cookies"?

Yes. “Cookies” are data files that are placed on your device or computer and often include an anonymous unique identifier. It could recognize your browser and capture and remember certain information.

We use cookies to help us remember and process the items in your shopping cart, or understand your preferences based on previous or current site activity, which enables us to provide you with improved services. We also use cookies to help us compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction so that we can offer better site experiences and tools in the future.

You can decline the use of cookies via the pop-up in the lower left-hand corner on visiting the site.

How do You Access, Remove or Modify Your Stored Information?

You have the right to access, remove or modify your stored information. To access or modify your personal information, please login to "My Account". To remove all of your online account information from our database, please contact us via email vapour@aulola.co.uk or call us 0161-833-3499.

How Long is the Information Retained for?

When you place an order through our site, we will maintain your Order Information for our records unless and until you ask us to delete this information.

Third Party Links

In an attempt to provide you with increased value, we may include third party links on our site. These linked sites have separate and independent privacy policies. Please be aware that we have no responsibility or liability for the privacy practices of these linked sites. We encourage users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies only to information collected by this website.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page, the homepage, and other places we deem appropriate so that you could be informed. Policy changes will apply only to information collected after the date of the change. This policy was last updated on November 12, 2017.

Questions or Concerns

For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions or concerns, please contact us:

  • ? Email: vapour@aulola.co.uk
  • ? Phone: 0161-833-3499
  • ? Address: 68 Derby Street, Manchester, M8 8AT