X Dear Customers, our China warehouse /office will be off work from 15 January to 15 Febuary for Chinese Spring Festival. During this time, we will only be able to ship the UK stock items in time. We know your time is valuable, to avoid any delay, please contact our Customer Service Team before placing orders.
  • Return Policy

    > Return Policy

    > What should buyers know before returning?

    > How to do when receive defective items?

> Return Policy

We always try to provide high quality products and perfect services to you and we believe that you will be pleased with your purchase from Aulola. However, when you need to return items to us in some cases, what can we do when we meet this situation? Here shows our warranty and return policy to protect your rights and help you happily shopping.

> What should buyers know before returning?

  • 1. All returns must be sent back within 10 days of receipt. A valid tracking number is requested to prove the date of returning.
  • 2. We do not accept return without any reasonable reasons, especially for those products without any quality problems. If customers insist on returning (owing to your personal reason), we will charge 50% disposal fee of the total amount you have paid.
  • 3. All returns must be informed with acknowledge of Aulola before return. Please contact with our correspondent sales in advance before return. He/She will offer you a return code, which should be marked clearly on the returning box, along with our return address and additional important instructions.
  • 4. We only accept products in their original packaging & conditions. We are not responsible for any breakings, scratches or losses caused by poor packing, unreasonable laying, or misused and assembled parts.
  • 5. There must be a tracking number which could be followed on a related website after you returned.
  • 6. Customer is responsible for the return postage and Aulola responsible for re-sending postage
  • 7. We reserve the right to reject services that would void the warranty and return policy, or if the products are damaged by customers.

> How to do when receive defective items?

If you found there are defects happening to the goods within 10 days after receipt of goods, we recommend you contact us before returning to see if we can solve your issue and save you the trouble of returning your item. If the defects are irremediable, you could return the goods back to us for repair or replacement under our guidance.

1. Before you returning, you can contact us by email sales@aulola.co.uk, or live chat with us, or call +44 161 831 9697 to check whether the goods need return or not. During this time, you should provide us with the proofs as followings:

a. Photos of the front and back of the packaging envelope or box

b. Photo, video, screenshot, or description of the defective item

c. Photo, video, screenshot, or description of the defect or defective area

2.When you prepare your returning, please remember to put a note in your returned package indicating the following details:

a. Your order number

b. The return Item Code

c. Original tracking number

d. Your return reason, address and telephone number

3.When the warehouse receives the goods, they will check and test it, and then deal with the return, the refund time will be in 3 working days.